South Park Zone

Season 14/Episode 1406 - 201

Description about this South Park Episode
Angry celebrities, violent ginger kids and Mecha Streisand are about to destroy South Park and all anyone wants to know is, “Who is Eric Cartman’s father?”

7 comentarii:

giles said...

whos cartmans dad!

Anonymous said...

wait the next episode and you'l see :)

Anonymous said...


Southparkisawesome said...

Because somebody got pissed about them talking about Muhammad and made Comedy Central Bleep the whole F*%$ing thing and I guess they're not even going to post it on this site.

Southparkisawesome said...

Because somebody got ticked because they mentioned Muhammad and Comedy Central bleeped everything out so now I guess they're not even going to post it.

Anonymous said...

i watched in somewhere else in despiration. its awesome, but censored. like trey and matt said up top... im so mad about that. godammit, also i didnt want to know who cartmans dad was cuz i hought it was guna be stupid, BUT they made it hilarious and totally tied in with previous shows :)

Anonymous said...

wtf I waited 2 days for this episode 1st its on Friday then it sed Saturday wtf is wrong with showing Muhammed anyway southh park take the piss out evry1 so why are they bothered
